This Fake Magazine About Anxiety Is Hilarious — & Makes An Important Point

By now, it's well-known that you can count on Twitter to be the place for interesting conversations about about mental health. And a new project to normalize and destigmatize living with an anxiety disorder — the most common mental health issue in the U.S. — does so in a lighthearted yet poignant way. Anxiety: The Magazine, from Twitter user @crayonelyse, is shedding light on what it's like to live with anxiety — through satirical lifestyle magazine covers.
The artist, who asked to be referred to as Crayon, told Refinery29 she finds ideas for the magazine's headlines in her life as a PhD student: "I draw inspiration from my job, my friends, current events — all of which are things that I spend a lot of time worrying about." She added that she makes the covers using PowerPoint, which explains their snazzy design elements. What makes Anxiety: The Magazine so relatable is that its headlines touch on anxiety's everyday effects — from whether you said the right thing at the right time ("Quiz: Why did you do that?"), to the possibility that you're sabotaging your own health without knowing it ("Shouldn't you be moisturizing? Megan moisturizes"). It's funny, and it might leave you nodding your head in agreement, but it raises an important point: Feelings of anxiety are more common than you think. "I hope that laughing at the absurdity of something painful like anxiety helps make it easier to handle," Crayon told us. After all, who hasn't been overheard giving a quick self-pep talk at work? Below, check out the three issues of Anxiety: The Magazine, available on fake newsstands everywhere. Let us know whether you relate in the comments below.

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