Airbnb Wants To Add To Your Rental Options

Photo: Courtesy of AirBnB.
If you’ve ever arrived at an Airbnb, settled in, and thought, Wow, this wood-burning fireplace is awfully nice, but what this apartment really needs is some mini-golf! Airbnb has got your back. A representative for the online company told the BBC that the company is looking into expanding its services into recreation for visitors, as well as housing. Cofounder Nathan Blecharczyk told the BBC that Airbnb is considering plans for coordinating activities between hosts and guests, such as tours, sports, or other events. “Connecting with real people having a good time, that’s something not currently available in the professionalized world of hospitality,” he said.
It’s the latest push to provide the “living-there” experience that Blecharczyk says travelers want. Airbnb, which connects people with temporary rentals worldwide, markets itself as providing a more authentic way to visit an area than renting a hotel. But the company has hit some snags in its model of short-term rental and apartment sharing in recent years. Several cities, including San Francisco, Berlin, and New York, have either considered or implemented restrictions or fines on rentals through the service, citing housing crises or laws regarding hotel operation. However, the service has been rapidly expanding in other places. In Delhi, India, where Blecharczyk was speaking, the company has seen 115% growth in the last year, the BBC noted. So, when are you going to be able to rely on Airbnb to find not just your bed, but also next morning's brunch buddy? No word on that yet.

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