Watch Fall Out Boy & Demi Lovato’s Sequel To *NSYNC’s “It’s Gonna Be Me”

Take the most beloved boy band of all time (*NSYNC), the emo group behind the soundtrack to our teenage angst (Fall Out Boy), and the most badass young pop star around today (Demi Lovato), and what do you get? The most thrillingly nostalgic music video millennials have ever witnessed. Today, Fall Out Boy premiered the video for their latest single "Irresistible," featuring Demi Lovato. The boys had the idea to set their story in the universe of *NSYNC's iconic "It's Gonna Be Me" video. The action unfolds in the same toy store where J.T. & co. came to life as dolls. FOB even got the same director, Wayne Isham, to helm their sequel, about "a dollar bin full of toys that no one really wanted," according to the YouTube description. Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick make awesome cameos, Lovato kills her solo, and Pete Wentz almost fights Ken over Barbie. Oh, and by the way, the song itself is pretty damn catchy. Not that anybody's listening.

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