Daniel Radcliffe grew up before our eyes — and in the past, the actor has confessed that he found it pretty uncomfortable. The Victor Frankenstein star admits that during his late teen years, he did a fair amount of heavy drinking to help put some distance between himself and anyone who might be watching.
"Anytime I’d go out to dance, camera phones would come out," the actor shared in an interview with Playboy. "That would make me very self-conscious, and what’s the easiest way to escape being self-conscious? Alcohol is a quick way of doing that."
But these days, Radcliffe is less inclined to allow fame to dictate how he lives his life. At 26, he seems more comfortable in the public eye than ever, expertly fielding questions about his love life, his height, and even his wealth without missing a beat.
Though he may have been a child star, he wants to set the record straight: He is definitely not a dick. "People expect me to be an absolute asshole," Radcliffe explained. "And when I’m not, that always plays in my favor."
In fact, sometimes — according to Radcliffe's girlfriend, actress Erin Darke — the former Harry Potter star could stand to be a little less kind. He told Playboy a story about a girl who asked him if he would take a photo with her. "I said, 'Yeah, sure, if you want to,'" he recalled.
"And she goes, 'Well, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to.' What the fuck? (laughs) And of course, me being me, I’m just like, 'Sorry, that’s silly of me.' Then she walks off and Erin says to me, 'That girl was a dick to you. You don’t have to be nice if someone’s rude.'"
While Radcliffe may be learning how to sidestep rude "fans" seeking photos, the actor revealed that Rupert Grint hasn't really learned the art of saying no. "[Grint] ended up going back to a fan’s house because he couldn’t say no to anything they asked. That’s when it’s gone too far."
Well, now we know what to ask Grint the next time we cross paths. Read the entire Daniel Radcliffe interview with Playboy here.
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