Are you drowning in a sea of email? Same. Have no fear, a new book called How Google Works by Google executive chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt and former Vice President of Products Jonathan Rosenberg is here to help us all cut down on inbox clutter. Via a service-y article on Time.com, Schmidt and Rosenberg impart nine helpful tips and tricks for total email mastery in terms of both professionalism and productivity.
First and foremost, the Google pros want us to know that there are two types of people in the world: those who reply quickly to emails, and those who let them linger. Don't be the latter. A prompt response sets up a "positive communications feedback loop" that lets everyone on your team know that your valuable input will be quick and thoughtful.
Beyond that, here's a quick rundown of the ways in which you can email like a total boss:
— Keep your inbox clean.
— Your bcc habit ends now.
— Always pass along useful information to others who might find it equally helpful.
— Choose your words wisely. As one R29 staffer recently put it, "Don't put anything in an email you wouldn't want on the front page of The New York Times."
— Caps lock = STOP YELLING AT ME. Together, we can end misconstrued email tone.
— Earmark important emails by forwarding them to yourself with keywords to help search for them in the future.
Now, look at you — a clean inbox at your fingertips, and a positive communications feedback loop established. Go forth and email, young grasshoppers. No need to bcc me. (Time)