Hawkeye Had A Secret Wedding

1jeremyPhoto: Rex USA/Stewart Cook.
Well, well, well. It seems that Tom Hardy isn't the only action star who's been keeping his marriage hush-hush.
In an interview with Capitol File, Jeremy Renner admitted being married to Canadian model Sonni Pacheco. The couple welcomed daughter Ava Berlin in March 2013, but were said to have split during the pregnancy. The two remained living together in L.A., however, and apparently one thing led to another, because now the 43-year-old Avengers star is flashing a wedding band and calling Pacheco his "wife."
“I have tried to protect my family’s privacy, my wife’s privacy,” he told Capitol File when asked why he'd kept the relationship private. “I don’t need her to get hammered with my life."
"Privacy issues are important," he added, "because I want her to go about her day without being bothered. Paps follow me around...that’s fine. But...I don’t like being followed when I’m with my family. I’ve been talked about a whole lot, because the less I put out there, the less people know, and it makes it interesting, I assume.”
Well, yeah. A secret marriage is always interesting — even if "interesting" also means having to pare down our list of Hollywood's eligible bachelors. (Page Six)

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