Bill Murray Casts The All-Girl Ghostbusters

1billPhoto: Courtesy of Columbia Pictures.
It's doubtful that anyone but Bill Murray could simultaneously lavish praise on Hollywood's top women comics while totally undermining the prospect of an all-female Ghostbusters reboot.
On hand to promote his new film, St. Vincent, and take part in Bill Murray Day at the Toronto Film Festival, the original Dr. Venkman was asked about Bridesmaids director Paul Feig's plans to helm a girl-power version of the '80s classic (which, yikes, turns 30 this year). Murray says he's down, but we sense a little hesitancy.
"It sounds great to me," he told Access Hollywood. "It sounds as good an idea as any other. There are a lot of women that could scare off any kind of vapor. No, it's a grand idea, I don't know who they’re talking about, but it’s a good idea, I would watch it. I mean, I love Robert Palmer's videos, so why wouldn't I love the female Ghostbusters?”
Equating Robert Palmer's fem-bot backing "band" with poltergeist-plundering warriors who happen to be women? Now there's a back-handed compliment.
To be fair, you can't really blame Murray for not exactly doing cartwheels over plans to rehash the movie — after all, he didn't even want to star in the sequel. Ernie Hudson, who played Winston in the original two films, also recently stated that he has mixed feelings about a reworked third film.
"In terms of a new Ghostbusters without the old gang? That’s not Ghostbusters in my opinion," Hudson told the Daily Mail last month. "It seems crazy to me but what do I know? If there’s an all-female one and it’s funny I’ll be laughing along with everybody else. But, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me as that version would have nothing to do with the other movies so why are would they even call it Ghostbusters? Adding a girl to the team is a good thing but to suddenly go all-girl I don’t know. It would be a totally different movie. I mean why not call it Girlbusters?"
Murray may seem bored with the concept, but at least he's willing to throw out a few names for casting directors to chase.
"Melissa [McCarthy] would be a spectacular Ghostbuster," he told the Toronto Star. "And, Kristen Wiig is so funny. God, she’s funny. I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot. And, Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there."
Way to state the obvious, Bill. Now, care to see our picks? (Vulture)

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