Pro-twerker Miley Cyrus hasn't been riding the headline wave like she used to. Well, not for the same reasons, that is. Instead of stirring controversy for nudity, toking up, and that tongue of hers, she's been using her platform for good; raising awareness for homeless youth.
But, just when Mature Miley was beginning to rear its pretty bleached head, however, she goes and compares herself to The King.
"Elvis, he wasn't wearing the outfits I was wearing but he was coming out and he was doing like the OG twerking," Cyrus confessed during an interview with Australian TV show Sunday Night." Like, no one wants to admit that he was twerking, he was." She then goes on to call out the double standard of Hollywood's relationship with sex.
"He was like sex. He was a symbol of sex but no one would have ever called Elvis a shit because he wasn't a girl. It's that double standard and I think I'm doing something for the double standard." Yes, shaking your rump whilst smoking a J in front of audiences filled with tweens and their parents (who think she's the same girl behind Hannah Montana) is really challenging the status quo.
But, it actually is. For his time, Presley was the provocateur. Today, that's the role Cyrus has assumed. "The only thing I'm an example of is freedom," she said, "especially in this time where the energy of the world is shifting from male energy to female energy." She might not be singing rock and roll, but Cyrus is showing girls there's freedom in owning your youth and vitality. It's polarizing, but it gets the people talking. And, that's what it really means to be Miley. (Rolling Stone)