When we go to Starbucks, we place our order, wait to pick it up, get it, and go. When Katy Perry goes to Starbucks, she makes people Twitter FAMOUS.
The California Gurl recently stopped in a Chicago Starbucks for a vanilla soy latte. Her barista Jason King noticed the name "Katheryn" on the cup. "Then, he looked up at the customer: Dark sunglasses. Wacky, knitted hat. Green hair." No, this isn't a film noir plot description. It's how Jason knew he was about to brew some 'Bucks for pop royalty.
King is a self-professed Katy Perry fanatic. "He'd recently mentioned to his mom that [she] was one of the two people he wanted to meet in his life," USA Today writes. Well, The Fates were clearly on Jason's side that day. They were about to make King's dream a reality.
Still, Jason kept his cool. He calmly whipped up Perry's beverage just like he would anyone else's, then called out "Katheryn, I have your tall soy vanilla latte." When she arrived at the counter, King seized the moment.
"I know who you are. I just want to say that you're amazing and awesome. But I know you want to keep a low profile — so I won't freak out," he whispered to his idol.
Perry knew just what to respond. "I can tell this drink is going to be really good. Is there anything I can do for you?"
Jason wanted a selfie but didn't want to blow up her spot. He settled for a handshake. Little did he know that Katy had much more in store for him. After she left Starbucks, she tweeted about Jason's drink-making skills.
Dear Jason @Starbucks on Ohio & N State in Chicago, you make a mean soy latte ? & also I am totally tripped out that @Starbucks now serves ?
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) August 12, 2014
Can a tweet change your life? Apparently, it can. "It's been a whirlwind," King tells USA Today about Perry's Twitter missive. "My friends, my family, and me have been over the moon." This must be what Michael Jackson was talking about when he sang, "Heal the world, make it a better place." For you and for me and the entire Twitter user base. (USA Today)