Spinoffs can be a bit touch and go, but if anyone knows how to turn movie franchises into box office gold, it's Jennifer "Hunger Games/X-Men" Lawrence. It's unsurprising, then, that the studio behind the X-Men franchise are reportedly keen to give her shapeshifting Mystique character her very own film. Um, best idea ever?
“I love what Jen Lawrence has done with her," X-Men: First Class writer/producer Simon Kinberg told Entertainment Weekly this week. "I feel like because she is in such a crowded ensemble, there’s so much more opportunity if you were to follow her solo."
Though producer Lauren Shuler Donner added that fan-favorites Gambit and Deadpool might also be spinoff-worthy, we're more besotted with the idea of Mystique getting the same sort of treatment as Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. The gal's a legit action hero now, can carry a big blockbuster franchise, and, let's face it, looks incredible in head-to-toe blue body paint. What more do you need?
We're also psyched to get a bigger helping of one of our favorite female mutants. We've pored over the comic books, gawked at O.G. Mystique Rebecca Romijn (who should totally do a cameo), and gushed over J Lawr's portrayal in the prequels. And, yes, we want more.
At least we'll get another fix when X-Men: Days of Future Past opens on May 23, followed by the 2016 release of X-Men: Apocalypse. But, seriously, get on this, Hollywood. We're willing to start waiting in line now. (Variety)