As if we didn't have enough reasons to love Kate Winslet — Titanic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, her incredible bone structure — she’s just given us an ingenious new way to think about naming our hypothetical babies (or actual pets).
Fresh from celebrating her star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, the Labor Day actress sat down with Ellen Degeneres to coo about the latest addition to her family, baby Bear Blaze, who was born in December 2013. With lineage including a father named Ned RocknRoll, this baby was probably destined to have an out-there appellation. But, the story behind his name is really rather touching.
“Bear's second name is Blaze because my husband and I met in a house fire, basically," Winslet told the host. “The house burned down and we survived, but we wanted something of the fire and so Blaze was the name that we came up with. Bear Blaze." Sorry, there's dust in our eyes. Sniff.
As for her second son’s first name, it was the nickname of a family friend who meant a lot to her. We actually think this naming scheme could work for anyone. All you need to do is match your best friend’s nickname with the location where you met your beloved. In this writer’s case, Jo Jo Pub. Hm, on second thought... (Vogue)