Okay, what is Shailene Woodley's secret? And, no, we're not talking about her acting prowess or glowing beauty. We want to know how she is the most awe-inspiringly self-assured person on the face of the earth. The actress has a presence and calmness about her that we would kill for. The latest evidence? Her interview in next month's Marie Claire. She graced the April cover to promote her upcoming project, Divergent, but it was her thoughts on life that had us blown away.
"I just haven't met anyone where I was like, 'Wow, I could definitely see myself spending a season of my life with you,'" she said about being single. "I don't even know if humans are genetically made to be with one person forever." While she didn't have relationship news to share with the mag, she did open up about her first kiss — which came later than you might think.
"I was the latest bloomer there ever was," she said. "I was still playing with Barbies at 14 and didn't have my first kiss until 15-and-a-half. He had big beautiful lips and I was like, 'I don't know what I'm going to do with those.'"
Woodley might be totally at peace with the woman she is now, but that self-assuredness didn't always come this easily. Which makes it all the more enviable. "My whole life I was so self-conscious about being skinny," she admitted. "And just recently I don’t care anymore. All insecurities are projected because of what you think others are saying about you, but they don’t really matter at all. My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now."
Shailene, everything you're selling, we're buying. Click through to see one of our favorite shots from the spread, and head to Marie Claire for the full interview. (Marie Claire)