The Worst Fictional Boyfriends Of All Time

We've all had a guy in our lives — whether it's romantically or simply someone we know — who's a great person. Seriously, when it comes to his abilities as a friend, brother, or father, you can't say enough good things. But, sometimes, no matter how great a guy is, he makes a terrible boyfriend. Like, the worst. He can't seem to figure out a relationship, or make himself emotionally available. And, while he's a good egg in every other regard, you wouldn't recommend him to a friend as a dating prospect.
Please note that these people are, by and large, not evil. By adding, say, King Joffrey to the list, it gets more into villainous territory, and we'd much rather just have some partners who, in retrospect, just didn't cut it. Ahead, we've rounded up the 22 worst fictional boyfriends who need to be called out for being subpar partners.

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