Ariel, Jasmine, Tiana, Anna, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella...they're all lovely in their individual ways. Are they representative of the average young woman? No — unless you happen to get dressed by bluebirds, own a talking candlestick, and burst into song whenever a handsome prince is nearby. Should they be representative of the average young woman? According to one teen girl, the answer is an unequivocal yes. Now, she wants Disney to do something about it.
In a petition filed through Change.org, high school junior Jewel Moore is urging Disney to create a plus-size princess that she and other curvy girls can relate to. "I made this petition because I'm a plus-size young woman," the Farmville, VA resident writes, "and I know many plus-size girls and women who struggle with confidence and need a positive plus-size character in the media. If Disney could make a plus-size female protagonist who was as bright, amazing, and memorable as their others, it would do a world of good for those plus-size girls out there who are bombarded with images that make them feel ugly for not fitting the skinny standard."
Well said. So far, the petition has nearly 5,000 supporters. Clearly, many think Moore has a point — as do we, considering that the only full-figured animated heroine we can think of is Fiona from Shrek, who is literally an ogress. We love her to bits, but can't we do a little better than that? (Huffington Post)