We know we're not alone when we say, we're a little sick of our iPhones. No, we're not ready to jump the Apple ship yet; we're just bored with all the stuff on our iPhones. How many times can we play Candy Crush and listen to that same 'ol Ke$ha song, amirite?
Luckily, we're getting creative inspiration from Jared Leto. The Oscar-nominated Jared Leto, no less. We got our hands on his favorite apps and songs to download to his own iPhone, so now you can distract yourself just like the celebrities. That's right, they're just like us — they get bored on the subway, too. See below for his intel.
Viber "Viber is an easy way to keep in contact with friends when I'm away. Great design. Great UX. They make it easy, fun, and even funny."
Uber "I use this app all over the world. They're in 25 countries now and expanding rapidly. You're never stuck trying to finding a cab in the New York rain, Google-ing for a cab number in Berlin, or trying to find local dollars in Sydney. Uber lets you order a car right to you, tells you how long until it arrives, and charges directly to your credit card on file. Good sh*t."
Instagram "I started out as a visual artist before I did any other creative arts, so I love that Instagram is about photography and video. It allows me a chance to share my life, quick and easy, from my perspective. Find me: @jaredleto."
Yelp "This is the best app for finding restaurant recommendations all over the world. I've discovered some of my favorite eating spots through Yelp reviews. That's saying a lot from a very picky eater."
Nest "If you don't know about this yet, you need to. It's an impeccably-designed app, but it's also a piece of beautifully-designed hardware. Nest has disrupted the household utilities market. They started with the thermostat and blew people's minds. Now, they have rebooted the smoke alarm. I can come home from two months on tour, tap my Nest app in the car, and have my house toasty for my arrival. Plus, it helps save energy. It comes from the geniuses who designed the iPod. Who thought a thermostat could be beautiful?"
Lorde, "Tennis Courts" "I'm sure you've heard about Lorde by now, but apart from being a phenomenon, her writing is poignant and beautiful."
Sky Ferreira, "You're Not The One" "The music video for this song is great. It's got a sexy '80s vibe to it and Sky's voice is on fire."
HAIM, "Don't Save Me" "I've known of these girls for some time now, and recently met them at some shows we played this year. They are bright, fun, and talented for days. Haim has something special."