Which begs the question — if vegetables got the same glitzy advertising treatment as junk food, would we eat more of them?
The New York Times Magazine
tackled this hypothetical last week. The premise: Commission genius ad agency Victors and Spoils (the masterminds behind campaigns for Coca-Cola, Quiznos, and General Mills) to outline a fictitious ad campaign that could do for broccoli what ad agencies have done for Coke, M&Ms, and countless other junky foods — that is, make it cool. Cooler than kale, even — the campaign centered around the slogan “Eat Fad Free: Broccoli vs. Kale.” Our personal favorite? “What came first: kale or the bandwagon?”
What do you think? Would better marketing make you eat more veggies? Sound off below. (The New York Times Magazine