Are you a fan of the hair salon? The mirrors that, seemingly, distort your face to carnivalesque proportions, the constant whirring of dryers, and, let's not forget, the never-ending Muzak on permanent loop. Sometimes it would be nice to experience a cut-and-color at a salon with an altogether different vibe. Step forward the Floating Salon, a fully functioning hair salon inside a canal boat.
The salon is the brainchild of hairstylist Nicola Dawkins who has over 15 years experience in the business, including stints in London's West End. In 2006, Dawkins and her partner bought the "Blackjack," a canal boat that needed everything done to it. Slowly, the team rebuilt the boat, and by 2008 the canal boat was open for business as a hair salon with an eco-twist. Yep, the salon, based near Bath, is completely off the grid. The entire boat is run off three solar panels, its own water tank, and a host of batteries. With prices staring at £15 for a conditioning treatment and a head massage, it may be time to plan our next trip out of the city. We hear Bath is very nice this time of year. (Ozy)
Photo: Via Ozy.

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