The Huffington Post has helpfully compiled the seven ways the simple act of reading can give us a healthy boost. According to a study published in
Plos One
, reading fiction which "emotionally transports" the reader can actually increase a person's capacity for empathy. Meanwhile, research conducted by Mindlab at the University of Sussex determined that reading was a fantastic stress reliever. The people who took part in the experiment for this study were able to relax in six minutes flat, thanks to the power of a good read.
For those of us who are keen to keep our mental abilities pin-sharp, reading is a great way to do that, too. A study recently published in the
journal reveals that taking part in mind-stimulating activities, earlier and later on in life, can help to slow down memory decline. But, that's not even half of it. Click through to see the entire list and let us know which books you return to, time and again, to unwind at the end of a tough day. (The Huffington Post)