Whether or not you're actually starting classes this September, it's hard to not get in the back-to-school state of mind once fall starts to loom around the corner. Shiny new notebooks and pens have begun to catch our eyes, and we can't help but feel like the air is ripe for some personal reinvention. So, while this back-to-school beauty shoot on Beauty High doesn't exactly to apply to all of our lives, we definitely felt a twinge of giddiness when we saw all the surprisingly weird/cute beauty tricks one can do with school supplies.
Maybe we were too dorky in high school to do things like this, but did anyone else not realize you can use a pencil eraser to smudge eyeliner? Although, we're going to be checking with our opthamologist before we test it out — seems questionable. But, that and other fun tricks from this shoot — like chalking your hair literally with chalk — almost makes us wish we were still in school. Emphasis on the almost.
We think this shoot is one of the best reframes of the back-to-school spirit we've seen in a while. Rather than mourn the end of summer, it's all about getting real creative with the tools students will be trapped with once that bell rings.
What are your favorite scrappy school supply beauty tricks? (Beauty High)

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