Turns Out, The British Public Have Got Their Facts About Britain ALL Wrong

You think you know a place, but how sure are you that you’ve actually got your facts straight? Sure, you might live and breathe British culture, surviving on just strawberries and cream through Wimbo, and already planning sick days to fully immerse yourself in the Baby Royal coverage, but how much do you really know about Britain itself? New stats would suggest: not so much.
A survey conducted by the Royal Statistical Society and King's College London, reveals that public opinion is frequently far off the mark regarding topics like crime, benefit fraud, and immigration — a.k.a, the important issues you kind of need to know about. Highlighting some of the discrepancies, we, as a nation, believe teen pregnancy rates are 25 times higher than they are; benefit fraud is 34 times higher than it is; and that 24% of the country is Muslim, when in reality it’s just 5%. Like we said: We're getting everything wrong.
Want to see how you fare? The Independent has cleverly devised a quiz. No cheating, 'kay? (The Independent)
Photo: Via The Independent

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