Festivals. How we love ‘em. The fashion, the fun, the music, and the madness. Also, the getting down and dirty with Mother Nature — all of it, welcomed and readily paid for year after year. But, do we ever really think about how much we’re spending? No, not just while we're there (we shiver at the thought of how much we’ve blown on those burger vans over the years) but also in preparation, every year. According to new survey results from money-saving website Offer of the Day, the average festival-goer spends over a mighty £200— all before she's even seen any mud.
Money spent on what, you might ask. Polling 1,123 people, the survey questioned attendees’ key priorities when packing. The classics feature— y’know, wet wipes, wellies, toilet roll, duh— but, following those, the results highlighted major differences between men’s and women’s packing lists. 61% of dudes felt alcohol was the main priority, thrown in their rucksack along with snacks, fancy dress, protection, and paracetamol, whilst for girls, it’s all about festival chic. Stashed in their bags, expect dry shampoo, a mirror, perfume, and hand-san.
So, happy campers, does that sound like you? If not, tell us you're spending your pre-fest dollars. (Offer of the Day)

Photographed by Victoria Adamson