We knew our senior photo editor, Christy Kurtz, was mega-talented — but we didn't realize that on top of having a brilliant eye for photography, she's also a budding pastry chef! Her latest masterpiece? This cake, which looks like a potted plant, but is actually a cake topped with "succulents" made of fondant. For reals.
Says Christy about her sweeter endeavors: "For the last few years, I've been making crazy cakes for my friends' birthdays, and I've been thinking about trying a succulent-themed cake for a while. One of my best friends was turning 31 and wasn't too excited about it, so I thought this would be the perfect way to cheer her up. It was either succulents, a Tupac album cover, or her cat's face — I decided the succulents would probably turn out the best!"
Amazingly, Christy created the entire plant freestyle. "I bought a plastic flower pot from the dollar store and filled it with a dirt cake," she says. "I googled 'succulents' and used that as inspiration to mold differently colored and shaped succulents out of fondant. I don't have any real cake-making tools, so just used my hands and best judgement to put each plant together!"
Well, as they say...color us totally impressed. We're blown away by how authentic Christy's creations look — no word yet whether she'll be holding lessons, but we're hoping to convince this multi-talented lady to teach us a few things!