In some form or another, we've all been guilty of comparing ourselves to other women or even secretly trashing those who we perceive "rank higher" than us. In a world where celebrities are pitted against each other and female competition is almost palpable, sometimes it's hard not to cope by tearing down your opponent. (Even if you know better. And, we all do.)
That's why, when we came across Ann Friedman's revelatory and inspiring article in The Cut, we instantly wanted to share it with you. Friedman offers up the most practical and profound solution to lady hatin': The Shine Theory. In essence, the theory champions the idea that befriending the intimidating girl and surrounding ourselves with powerful women actually makes us better. It's an "I don't shine if you don't shine" mentality, and it's pretty bad-ass.
The article itself is truthful, uplifting and comes from a place in which every woman can identify. And, it makes sense: "Being your best self and helping your friends do the same" sounds way more productive than the alternative. Shine on. (The Cut)

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