The gays! They're out to get us with their flamboyant ways and their Illuminati and their equal rights. Somebody has to stop them! Especially when the likes of actor Neil Patrick Harris has the audacity to get involved with Ye Olde Holiest Grail of American Manhood: the Super Bowl. Fortunately, conservatives are on it and calling out CBS for promoting "a gay agenda."
The offense? CBS' How I Met Your Mother star (who plays a straight womanizer — surely another gay-agenda ploy) was featured in a Super Bowl ad wearing eye-black grease that spelled out, "I'm Gay! Man Love 4 Life." Oh, wait, sorry, that's totally NOT what it said. In fact, his eye black simply read, "Feb 3 2013," the date of the big game. Writers over at conservative news site WND cited one viewer's opinion that NPH was mocking Christianity and Jets quarterback Tim Tebow, who frequently hits the field with Biblical verse numbers etched on his face. Nothing in the ad copy made gay references, but since Neil is an "outspoken homosexual," of course this counts as a gay agenda. Nevermind that Tebow is hardly the only player in the history of the NFL to wear eye black, or that this teaser image is the number one image result for a "Beyoncé" Google search and appears multiple times in the results for "Super Bowl 2013," as well.
Finally, in a highly comprehensive WND poll, a majority of the 507 participants voted, "Yes, and every effort should be made to boycott CBS and its advertisers." We, on the other hand, think CBS deserves a pat on the back for creating a perfectly fine ad featuring an actor millions of Americans love. Period. (The Huffington Post)

Image via The Huffington Post.