While we're waiting with bated breath for the September issues to grace our mailboxes with their gorgeous, glossy covers, we've got a little preview treat for you, courtesy of Oprah. The recently released visuals for the September cover of
O, The Oprah Magazine
, feature the Queen of All Media wearing her hair in its natural state, the first time she's been photographed doing so.
"I wanted to wear it close-cropped à la Camille Cosby, but her husband Bill convinced me otherwise. 'Don’t do it,' he said. 'You've got the wrong head shape and you’ll disappoint yourself.' I took his advice." Who knew Bill Cosby was such a sage stylist?
While we commend celebrities like Oprah, Viola Davis, and Solange Knowles for going against the societal norms and wearing their naturally textured hair in all its glory, we have to admit that we wish it weren't such big news in this day and age that an African-American celebrity is being photographed with natural hair. Women of all hair types and textures should be able to feel beautiful wearing their hair the way they want it, not worry that they have to bend to some cookie-cutter ideal of what beauty is. That said, brava to Oprah for moving the conversation one step further, with this gorgeous cover.
Our great hope is that as more and more famous women showcase their hair natural, the rest of the world will see that textured strands are beautiful and no woman should feel uncomfortable or judged for wearing her hair in its natural state, be that straight, curly, textured, gray, or something else altogether.
Photo: Courtesy of Hearst