Your Horoscope This Week: December 10 to 16

It’s a new moon week, cosmic beings. The Sagittarius new moon strikes on December 12, and Mercury retrograde begins in Capricorn one day later. While new moons often symbolise fresh starts, the fact this new moon occurs so close to the start of Mercury retrograde means that we’re more likely to focus on completing past passion projects this week rather than initiating brand new ones. 
Miscommunications and delays with technological projects are likely to occur, and it’s essential to not take yourself or others too seriously. This may be easier said than done though, because Mercury is known for being a bit uptight when traveling through the sign of Capricorn, making it easier for us to collectively lose our cool. 
Positively, the combination of the Sag new moon and Mercury retrograde helps all zodiac signs think before they speak, allowing us to be less reactive and defensive, and instead cultivate the art of truly listening to others rather than solely focusing on being “right”. The final Mercury retrograde of the year encourages us to study revolutionaries and social change movements from the past in order to make progress on our current journey of ascension. 
Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s Sag new moon lights up your sector of expansion and long journeys. With Chiron, the asteroid that deals with our inner wounds, preparing to end its retrograde in your sign on December 26, you can tell that it’s time to face your shadows and not let your insecurities stop you from going after what you want. This new moon is an ideal opportunity to write down a list of all the projects you’ve begun but didn’t complete. Which ones speak to you most? It’s not too late to give it another try. 
Mercury’s retrograde through Capricorn begins on December 13 and it’ll have you re-evaluating your career trajectory. This isn’t the time to be making bold or impulsive changes, but if you’ve had a repeating intuitive nudge regarding what direction to go in as a new year is about to begin, this is the time to make note of them and take those thoughts more seriously. Spend this week restructuring your career goals, step by step. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, is three weeks away from ending its retrograde in your sign. Since Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, and we’re experiencing the Sag new moon on December 12, this week you’ll feel more influenced by Sag energy than usual. 
Use this new moon to brainstorm ways to better understand your own psyche, as well as that of others. Have honest conversations with yourself and your loved ones about your triggers, your joys, your fears, and your curiosities. You’ll find it refreshing to switch up your usual routine and step outside the box. 
Mercury begins its retrograde through Capricorn on December 13, and you’re likely to feel less ambitious during this transit. Even if you still have a lengthy to-do list, you’ll be in the mood to take it easy and decrease your workload. Listen to your body, Taurus. There’s a reason this is coming up for you right now. Release the pressure to always be doing more, and focus on embracing stillness during this retrograde. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, this week’s Sag new moon lights up your sector of partnership and marriage. You’re focused on finding your crew, or celebrating them if you already feel satisfied with your social and romantic circle. You’re also likely to be more self-aware during this new moon, which helps you identify both your weak points and your strengths. Maintaining a sense of humour as you reflect on ways to be a better partner, lover, and friend is key to making it through this new moon passage without tearing yourself or others apart. 
Compassion is particularly crucial this week due to your planetary ruler, Mercury, beginning its retrograde in Capricorn one day after the Sag new moon. Capricorn energy is quite different from your airy mutable nature, which means this retrograde will force you to take certain aspects of life, and of yourself, more seriously. This will feel like a contradiction to the happy-go-lucky nature of the Sag new moon, so if you end up feeling like a walking paradox this week, so be it. You’d benefit from spending time alone to figure out your thoughts whenever they start to feel too jumbled by public opinion. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, last week I advised you to think twice before texting your ex. That still applies this week — even more so. Mercury’s retrograde through Capricorn could lead to your thoughts and feelings being consumed with your love life. You may also be idealising a certain person or experience due to Neptune now being direct in Pisces. 
Fortunately, the Sag new moon on December 12 encourages you to be more blunt with your own self first and foremost. In what ways has living in la-la-land or wearing rose-colored glasses done you more harm than good? It may be time to step out of your illusions and face the reality of your life. That’s the only way you’ll be able to know which steps to take to change it. Use the Sag new moon to visualise your dream life into existence — this would be a great week to create a vision board by yourself or with friends. 
Venus’ continued stay through Scorpio is increasing your sensuality and sex appeal, so don’t let Mercury’s retrograde through Capricorn stop you from having fun, flirting, and looking your best this week, Cancer. Find a balance between protecting your energy and allowing yourself to be more vulnerable. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the Sag new moon on December 12 sheds light on your sector of fate, true love, and creativity, and this helps spark a new chapter of evolution in that area of your life. These next six months could look and feel radically different for you if you’re brave enough to take the leap and pursue an objective that you’ve been dreaming of for years now. Use the 10 days after the new moon to create a game plan for yourself, and hold yourself accountable for making it happen before the Sag full moon strikes next year. 
Mercury’s retrograde through Capricorn highlights your sector of health, service, and routine. You may have less physical energy during this retrograde, and you may not feel as committed to the routines or schedules you had previously set. This is a sign to slow your roll, have less on your plate, and be proud of everything you’ve already accomplished so far this year. This retrograde could make you a bit too self-critical, so whenever you start to feel your insecurities popping up, remember that you are your toughest critic, Leo. Choose to be your biggest cheerleader instead.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

This week’s Sag new moon squares off (creates astrological friction) with your Virgo nature, and this could lead to you thinking that people or situations appearing in your life are too good to be true. This feeling is intensified by the fact that Neptune is now direct in Pisces, activating your sector of partnership. If you’ve been side-eyeing your bae(s) because they’ve been consistently sweet-talking you or giving you attention, ask yourself if there’s a part of you that doesn’t view yourself as worthy of all that attention. Why might that be? Perhaps because you’re used to being the one who always gives? This new moon will drag you to pieces — in the best of ways — by forcing you to trust in life’s blessings. 
The one caveat to this week’s expansive energy is the fact that one day after the new moon your ruler Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn. You may not be able to help all the second-guessing that you get caught up in during Mercury retrograde. Just do your best to not project your fears or stress unto those around you, or else you’ll end up pushing them away. Find a healthy emotional outlet for the pent-up tension that may reveal itself during this retrograde: work out, make love, or make art. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, now that your planetary ruler is in Scorpio, you’re able to more confidently and magnetically express what you want from life. This week’s Sag new moon further enhances this ability, as your sector of communication and creativity is stimulated by this lunation. If you’ve felt unsatisfied or unheard romantically, socially, professionally, or financially, use this new moon to voice your dissatisfaction and name your needs as clearly and unapologetically as possible. People may be surprised by your passionate nature, but they’ll also be swept up by your charming communicative methods, making it nearly impossible to turn you down. 
Keep in mind that Mercury retrograde begins in Capricorn one day after the Sag New Moon, so your momentum may slow down considerably in the second half of December, especially as Capricorn is a sign that squares off (creates astrological tension) with your Libra nature. You may know what you want, but do your best to not take any shortcuts. This retrograde will teach you the art of cultivating patience and trusting the process. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, everything seems more serious now that Venus is in your sign and Mercury is in Capricorn. Fortunately, the Sag new moon on December 12 helps lighten things up, as it highlights your sector of self-esteem and finances, and encourages you to let your creativity flow more freely and without restriction. 
If you’ve felt stuck in a rut or caught up in the rat race these past few weeks or months (particularly due to Mars, your ruling planet, being in Sag), this new moon will help you identify what beliefs may be keeping you stuck in this way of being. It’s as you change your thoughts that your life circumstances also change, and that’s the name of the game this new moon week. 
This may be easier read than done though, especially once Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn on December 13. Whatever new moon intentions you had previously set may feel like they’re experiencing delay after delay — but this is just an illusion. Mercury retrograde combined with Venus in Scorpio is here to help you learn to release the need to control everything and everyone. You’re not getting what you want instantaneously because there’s more than one path to receiving your desires, and they may not come in the exact format or packaging you expected. Learn to let go.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Happy New Moon in your sign, Sag! On December 12 — which happens to be a super powerful date in numerology, 12/12 — the new moon in Sagittarius helps you better see, love, and celebrate yourself. Whether your birthday has already passed or is around the corner, this new moon is an ideal time to be surrounded by friends and family who make you feel incredible inside and out. You’ll be in the mood to dream up new visions for yourself, and for the world, with the help of people who want the best for you. 
But with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Capricorn just a few hours after your annual new moon, you’re being asked to make sure that the visions you’re dreaming up have some level of practicality to them, and that they aren’t wasteful in nature. Your planetary ruler Jupiter’s final few weeks retrograde in Taurus also serves to make you more aware of moments when excess and materialism have deterred you from living a spiritually-aligned life. Use this week to declutter your space, donate items you no longer need, and make room for more sustainable abundance to enter your life.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, this week’s new moon in Sagittarius may throw you for a loop, particularly because it’s taking place one day before Mercury, the Planet of Communication, begins its retrograde through your sign (before re-entering Sagittarius on December 23). You may feel moodier and grumpier than usual as the week begins, but that may also be because you’ve used work as a distraction from some deeper spiritual needs that you should tend to. The Sag new moon lights up your sector of healing, solitude, and closure, making it an ideal time to journal your true feelings to yourself, or speak to a therapist or trusted friend about what’s really going on behind your perfect facade. 
Even if you try to avoid doing this work of self-reflection, Mercury’s retrograde through your sign will force you to do it eventually, Capricorn. From the 13th to the 23rd, you’ll be intensely self-aware, to the point of hearing messages from your soul guides or ancestors in your dreams. This is enhanced due to Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy, now spending its first week direct in Pisces, which activates your sector of communication. Your artistic abilities will increase tremendously during this time, so use art as an outlet for what lives within. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week’s Sag new moon activates your sector of friendship and social networks and opens you up to a diverse group of people, both IRL and via social media. If you’ve been meaning to use your platform to spread an urgent message, this is your sign to do so this week — we’re on the cusp of Pluto re-entering your sign for the next twenty years, so your voice matters more than ever. This Sag new moon can help you find “your people,” while also providing you with the opportunity to connect with beings who have different backgrounds and belief systems than you do — and hopefully you’ll find common ground. 
The one caveat? Mercury, the Planet of Communication, begins its retrograde through Capricorn on December 13. This occurs in your sector of healing, closure, and solitude. So while a part of you may appear to be a vibrant social butterfly due to all the Sag energy in the cosmos, another part of you will be in full-on hermit mode once the retrograde begins, which could lead to you pushing people away and wanting to be alone. The key is to find some sort of equilibrium between tending to your own needs and being aware of your role in the collective revolution.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, now that your planetary ruler Neptune is direct in your sign, you’re noticing yourself emerging from your cocoon, ready to spread your wings and fly. The Sagittarius new moon on December 12 further encourages you to take leaps of faith, particularly in your career. This is a great time to reinvent yourself, particularly if your inner child has been sending you signals during Neptune’s retrograde, letting you know what path to pursue next. Start looking into whatever your heart’s been calling you to do. Apply for the dream program or job. Launch the podcast or web series you had pre-recorded months or years ago. Write that song or screenplay you’ve been thinking of all year. 
But what about Mercury retrograde? Don’t let that stop you from doing what feels great to you, Pisces. The retrograde will influence your sector of technology and social networks, so you may experience your fair share of technological hiccups, but this only serves to make you more innovative and creative in your approach to achieving your goals. The key is to lean on those who’ve always believed in you — especially if they’ve extended their support in the past and you didn’t take them up on it. Reach out to them again and let them know how they can help. They’ll be glad to!

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