Congratulations! We are almost done with an extremely intense astrological season. The last month of summer is entering its “demure phase” as Virgo season commences. From 22nd August to 22nd September, we’re here for positive vibes only (especially as Mercury retrograde comes to an end, too).
As we get closer to September (and pumpkin lattes filling our cups with goodness), we are considering implementing the lessons we learned in the earlier summer days in our lives. Projects are being completed, cuffing season is upon us and back-to-school preparation begins.
Virgo is the brain of the zodiac, which means we will start analysing matters with our head instead of with our heart. The reason why is that Virgo is the analytical side of Mercury. You know, the voice in your head that rethinks every text sent to your boo and why they haven’t responded promptly. That’s right, it makes us ponder situations deeply that don’t need to be.
The flip side is that some things must be sussed out. Virgos investigate the details until the truth is found. Virgos require that energy to understand facets of life that go undetected by many. As a result, Virgo is the keeper of secrets and knower of truths.
Although the mutable earth sign is known for being picky and prissy, it only fusses when in a mood. On a regular day, Virgo is super chill and undramatic. But when pushed, Virgo pops off and can become demanding. Even when they’re not acting out, the refined palate of Virgo makes this sign a tastemaker. Virgo has a specific aesthetic that others copy.
This year, Virgo season is pushing us to think past our own limits. With expansive Jupiter, karmic Saturn and tender Neptune in aspect to the Virgo sun, we are wanting to go above and beyond the expectations we’ve set for ourselves. Conversely, this means we may anticipate more TLC from others. The key is to be realistic and ground your energy — if you can.
Healing is another important aspect of Virgo season. You can move past fears that have been holding you back by embracing your shadow side. Nurture this part of yourself. Give it love. Don’t deny its existence. Also, practise kindness and compassion. In order to receive the love we deserve, need and want, it’s important to give the same sentiment to others and put it out into the universe.
Important Dates
22nd August: The sun enters Virgo, bringing mindfulness and directness our way.
28th August: Mercury turns direct in Leo, ending the retrograde story that began on 5th August. Expect to receive clarity and understanding on this day.
28th August: Mercury turns direct in Leo, ending the retrograde story that began on 5th August. Expect to receive clarity and understanding on this day.
29th August: Venus dances into Libra, bringing harmony to friendships, financial understanding, and happiness to romantic endeavours.
1st September: Uranus retrograde in Taurus commences, ending on 30th January 2025, pushing us to revolt against authority and to fight for justice.
1st September: Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn, taking us back to the end of 2023 and the first days of 2024. The next few months will bring changes to governmental structures, businesses and financial matters.
2nd September: The new moon in Virgo allows us to embrace a profound vision that will push us to grow.
4th September: Mars swims into Cancer, making us more temperamental and emotional. Check your energy and vibe before interacting with others; we all have sensitive reactions to matters.
9th September: Mercury moves into Virgo, ushering us into logical decisions and clear communication.
17th September: The lunar eclipse in Pisces shakes our lives by bringing beautiful and profound wisdom.