Can You Ever Really Cure Anxiety?

Photo: Matilda Hill-Jenkins.
Anxiety has become one of the most critical issues in the lives of young women today, particularly heightened by the pandemic. Chances are, if you’re not suffering, someone close to you is.
Those who have fallen prey to anxiety will know that it's an isolating experience, one that jeopardises relationships with family and friends, threatens lives and careers, physically affect us, and can, at times, seem hugely overwhelming.
For those at the beginning of their journey with anxiety, attempting to imagine a life where it is under control can often feel fruitless.
So for those people, we ask: What does managed anxiety look like? Is there a life after it? Can it ever really be 'cured' in the way that a broken leg eventually heals?
Click through to hear from four individuals with first-hand experience as they answer our questions...

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