Tonight’s Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Asks You To Embrace Your Autonomy

Unpredictable, exciting, and intense, lunar eclipses are the fateful culmination of a cycle in which the moon passes into the earth’s cycle and the sun’s light creates a reddish tinge as it melts into the shadow. In astrology, lunar eclipses mark the dramatic ending or release. The Nodes of Destiny dictate the story that is unleashed. Being that they change signs every year and a half, each eclipse holds its own special and unique story.
Since January 18, the North Node has been in Taurus (the energy we are moving into) and the South Node in Scorpio (the energy we are releasing). On November 8, a total blood lunar eclipse will be visible from Australia, the United States, Asia, parts of Northern and Eastern Europe, and most of South America. This will be the last lunar eclipse until 2025.
This lunar eclipse also occurs on the same day as the midterm elections in the U.S., a major event that will impact most of us across the globe to some degree. Lunar eclipses expose matters and bring situations to light, and this one is urging us to address the ongoing problems and tensions that continue to exist in the world. Now that the moon is shedding its bright illumination on such affairs, we have no choice but to take a step back and address them head-on. 
This particular lunation creates a tense connection with Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Uranus retrograde. Mercury aligns with the sun hours before it opposes Uranus retrograde, urging us to take a stand and fight for our rights. With these planets in play, we’ll have the opportunity to speak up (Mercury) about social change (Venus and Uranus retrograde) against authority (Saturn). We can use our voices to implement change through the democratic process by casting a vote for the people we trust most to advocate for our beliefs. It’s not the time to remain silent — there is power in asserting one’s views. 
On an interpersonal level, emotional disruptions will rock the foundation of relationships to their core. Uranus retrograde wants to break free, while Saturn wants to stay committed. Finding a middle ground between these two juxtaposing cosmos energies is hard; therefore it creates upheaval in relationships. Think back to 2021, particularly to the dates of the Saturn and Uranus squares that occurred on February 17, June 14, and December 24. Those times were markers that urged us to make important decisions about love, with many people weathering breakups as a result. Unfortunately, the urge to break free is happening again, since those planets and dates will be activated by the eclipse. 
The good news is that love doesn’t have to be a battlefield. Instead of holding on, have faith in the potential to find a better situation by letting go of one that’s no longer working. The only person putting pressure on you to make it work is you. Consider embracing the freedom and autonomy to seek out your independence or something even better.
With layoffs, the erratic nature of the stock market, and the looming financial recession, we can expect to see many exiting their jobs. There could even be an influx of people quitting at their own will, due to the fact that they’re not satisfied. Don’t forget that Mars retrograde is in full swing and has been since October 30, and people’s fuses are short. A little push in the wrong direction could motivate those who aren’t happy in their careers or jobs to leave in an effort to pursue what they love. 
No matter how the lunar eclipse affects you or how the midterm elections unfold, the only certain element is that we are shedding the irrelevant in hopes of transforming into a better version of ourselves and disengaging from toxic patterns — one day at a time and at our own pace. Believe in the many possibilities that are coming your way as a result of cleaning house.

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