Your 2019 Mantra, According To Your Sign

2019 has finally arrived, and this year, we’re taking a proactive, "new year, all you" approach to our lives. Rather than waiting for things to just happen to us, we're going after what we want — at work, in our relationships, and within ourselves.
Inspired by Paramount’s What Men Want, a movie all about taking control of your life and breaking down barriers, we're giving you that extra push you need to approach all of 2019’s challenges and successes with the same boss attitude, by giving you a mantra to live by, according to your sign.
Let this mantra serve as your guiding light this year — whether it’s something you repeat every morning, write on your mirror, or keep stored in your phone’s Notes app for those times you need it most. It'll be your first line of defence when tackling that 2 a.m. "u up" text from your ex or your boss' bad attitude about that project you slaved over. This year, you're becoming the person who’s big enough, brave enough, and loving enough to wield the power positive change requires. Now go ahead and get what you want.

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