How Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Are Modernising The Royal Wedding Day

Photo: Samir Hussein/WireImage.
The Royal Wedding is definitely among 2018's most anticipated events, and gradually details about how the big day will run are seeping out.
We already know, of course, that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will marry on 19th May, a Saturday, in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. The chapel can accommodate around 800 guests, so the ceremony is unlikely to be a small-scale affair.
Kensington Palace, which looks after Markle and the Prince's official interests, has also confirmed that the Royal Family will be paying for the church service, the music, the flowers and the reception.
Now it's being reported that the couple will make a break from Royal wedding day tradition by including a speech from Markle at their reception. According to The Sunday Times, Markle is understood to be planning to make the speech an "affectionate tribute" to her new husband, and may include "a couple of jokes" along the way. It's also being reported that she'll use her speech to give thanks to the Queen, her family and friends.
While it's hardly radical for a bride to want to deliver a speech on her own wedding day, the Royal Family, as viewers of The Crown will know, are infamous sticklers for tradition. So it's fair to say that this rumoured change to the usual Royal wedding day could represent the new, more relaxed approach to monarchy that the Prince and Markle, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, seem to be ushering in.
Of course, plenty more details about the Royal wedding have yet to creep out. We still don't know who Markle will ask to be her bridesmaids, who Prince Harry will choose as his best man, or which designer will be commissioned to design the wedding dress. Watch this space, Royal wedding fans.
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