Practical magic is in the air as Wednesday's new moon in Taurus showers the world with its pixie dust. This is 2017's first supermoon, which means la luna is sitting at her closest proximity (or perigee in astrospeak) to planet Earth. As such, we'll all feel a bit more motivated to tackle those Taurean goals — budgeting, organising, and simplifying all the complicated areas of life. But please don't mistake basic for boring. Taurus is also a decadent sign, opting for high quality over excessive quantity. Instead of scooping up piles of this and that, research the best that's out there and buy only one.
On Friday, Venus is on the move, heading into fiery, flamboyant Aries until June 6. If you haven't felt the siren's song of spring hit yet, there may be a fire in the old loins before the weekend is through. This is actually Venus' rare second visit to the Ram's realm in 2017. She first popped by from February 4 to April 2. Trouble is, she also turned retrograde from March 4 to April 15, which snuffed out some of her seductive mojo. Now, the world gets a do-over, pun intended. Aries energy can be impulsive and restless, however, so try not to make any snap decisions in the game of love! You don't want to bolt from a good thing in the heat of the moment — or write someone off too soon.