Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Calling all romantics! You can return to your regularly scheduled programming this week — and unleash that spring fever at last. On Tuesday, the annual full moon in Libra lights up the skies, churning up everyone's urge to merge. Libra is the partnership sign so these moonbeams may illuminate the perfect person to play the role of your other half. Existing relationships can come back into harmony under Libra's balancing beams. But equality doesn't mean splitting everything 50/50. Great partnerships play to each person's strengths. That's how you'll form the ultimate dream team.
On Saturday, there's more happy news for the heartfelt (and heartsick). Love planet Venus, who has been moonwalking through a retrograde since March 4, flips back into direct motion. After six weeks of slower libidos and missed (or stalled) connections, Cupid's arrows start hitting the target again. With Venus backspinning in fantasy-fuelled Pisces since April 2, some people got sold on an illusion instead of seeing a love interest for who they really are. The veil lifts now, but that doesn't mean the fantasy has to die. With Venus powering forward through Pisces until April 28, the question now becomes, "Can I accept the 'for better' and the 'for worse?'" Everyone has a shadow side, a bad hair day, and a moody moment. The realness can actually be intimate and sweet. But if someone's issues fall into a more problematic category (untreated addiction, narcissism, patriarchal vibes), find the nearest exit hatch, open your parachute, and fly free!

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