Your Horoscope This Week — Oct 09 2016

Did your mouth just write a cheque you may — or may not — be able to cash? Oops! Right on the heels of the second presidential debate, this week will be full of swagger and bold assertions. It starts on Tuesday, when braggadocious (yes, it's a word) Jupiter and glib Mercury hold a conference. Fortunately, they're meeting in diplomatic, peace-loving Libra — otherwise, things could really get out of hand. But beware the smooth sales pitch or the charmer's hustle. And don't inflate the facts yourself just to seal the deal. The truth always, always comes out. Feeling the love? Libra is the sign of romance and partnerships, making the early part of the week an ideal time to wear your heart on your sleeve.
Sunday marks the annual full moon in Aries — another confidence-boosting moment that could also inspire a few ego trips. But hey, better to err on the side of being "too much" than to hide under a rock. All the world is a talent show under these potent moonbeams, so let your superpowers be seen! Independence and originality will be rewarded, so don’t wait for others to sign a permission slip before you "do you." Temper, temper! With impulsive, explosive Uranus sitting close to this full moon, arguments could heat up to a boil with little provocation. Avoid any reckless or daredevil moves; wear a helmet…when riding your bike or, uh, other things.

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