Bleib ruhig und sei bitte nicht genervt von mir
I have panic & anxiety disorder. My boyfriend does not... but wants to understand it so he can help me. SO I made him this list! Feel free to share w ur loved ones that need guidance!
— kelsey darragh (@kelseydarragh) May 11, 2018
Der Post hilft nicht nur Darraghs Freund, sondern auch tausenden Twitter-Nutzern
Focusing on something else is helpful too. -tell me all the things in the room that are blue. -touch the table, what does it feel like
— SUNBIRD (@Sunbird5274) May 14, 2018
My anxiety attacks can be quite dissociative (with seizure like effects), a big thing I've found helpful is to firmly massage localized areas (like my shoulders). I concentrate on the pressure, its grounding without having to think & not too overstimulating. Your bf can do it too
— C Y Δ N ::::::: (@cyanophytae) May 15, 2018
Hey @kelseydarragh I’m a psychotherapist and I saved this list to show some of my clients and ask them to explore making their own. Thanks for sharing ??
— BCH (@brittchiggins) May 12, 2018
You’re really lucky.. i was on the bathroom floor one night cause the cool from the tile, and I texted my guy asking him to call and talk to me, he ignored me. Continued to ignore me, then after I redirected my energy to him, he told me he needed time.. while I was “dying”.
— Kat (@Kaaat0888) May 15, 2018