refinery29: "The Like playing our opening party for East/West" A show of hands—who was rocking along with us?
carolhan: "Done shooting my "perfect outfit" with @mrnewton for @refinery29. Now wandering around lost in tribeca trying to find their offices again." You know what they say, the sweetest things are hidden underneath a building sandwiched between a stained glass shop and a studio full of creepy mannequins!
NaomiNevitt: "Trying to convince Erik we need to go to Stockholm this summer. Acne Studio, beautiful blonde girls, herring - what more could a boy want?" Don't forget about the meatballs!
bandofoutsiders: "our prices cut in half at @refinery29 east west tag sale. go get it before it's gone!" Yeah, you read that right. You have 2 more days of shopping! Move your tush!
sophomoreNYC: "We need more fan club pictures for our blog!!!!! Send us pictures of you or your friends wearing Sophomore at" Brownie points if it's an actual second-year high school or college student in Sophomore.