bunnyBISOUS: "FUN NEW RODARTE T's @openingceremony: http://twitpic.com/vl3wc & SWEATSHIRT front: http://twitpic.com/vl3sq + back: http://twitpic.com/vl3ug" If the Target x Rodarte collab was a little too plebeian for your tastes, perhaps the sweatshirts for Opening Ceremony are more your speed?
facehunter: "How comes most of the male sales assistants of Weekday (Cheap Monday store) in Sthlm look like Amish?" Because the Ascetic Tuesday shop had stopped accepting applications.
papermagazine: "Mr. Mickey's Guys I'm a Little Embarrassed to Admit That I Want to Have Sex With: 2009 Edition http://tinyurl.com/yb5l3yw" A list that includes both Christian Audigier and Mort Zuckerman.
dizzyblazeberg: "BREAKING NEWS: the clear bra strap, once thought to be near extension, is alive and well in Miami Beach. Reported spottings at Shore Club" :(
Modelinia: "Vogue Paris names the 30 models of the decade. What do you think? Who's missing? Who are you happy made the list? -- http://bit.ly/6bSbBS" Take a trip down the skinniest memory lane you'll ever traverse.