andrew3sixteen: "Lagerfeld on Orchard St. shooting a new Chanel campaign. http://bit.ly/d0svXG" Is that a pea coat?
johnjannuzzi: http://twitpic.com/1aoiu6 - "from now on, whenever i like something at work i'm sending an e-mail with this attached. done." Inflatable hearts are the new must-have accessory (for guys who work in PR).
nicolerichie: "BEST. TWEET. EVER. RT @kingsthings Me driving around with @SnoopDogg http://www.twitpic.com/1anigw & http://www.twitpic.com/1anik4" Fo shizzle, Larizzle. Yeah. That's all we got.
PatrickMcMullan: "The 1980s are back again I hear. if u havent got my book So80s i recomend u get it! xx pat" Is Patrick super slow on the uptake, or just really, really hip?
csiriano: "Working on a new print today for the spring collection, its so chic you will love it" Chic? We preferred hot tranny mess.