KirnaZabete: "This will be your "everyday" leopard in jersey at a great price! http://fb.me/4t1VMpc" With the sell-everything-you-own price-tag, this might have to be your wear-everyday "everyday" leopard.
themoment: "In news that should send shivers down the backs of designers: Cathy Horyn is finally going to start tweeting this season. HS" Sample tweet: "Givenchy... honestly, who even cares? Wearing my good jorts to Prada."
DitaVonTeese: "What shoes do I wear to ride? Christian LouBOOTins with Swarovski covered spurs, of course." Well, naturally. We would have suggested your Manolo cowboy boots with the diamond-studded toes, but you wore those last time.
styledotcom: "We hear Erin Wasson is trading in the Tents for Fall '10 in favor of an ethnic-rug catwalk at ABC Home. Still planning live band though..RL" And next season, up-and-coming designers will be showing at "The Container Store."
MeenalMistry: "The Heel Click Silencer #necessaryfashioninventionsthatwillneverbemade" The Post-Show Stampede Escape Chute #necessaryfashioninventionsthatwillneverbemade.