katyperry: "http://twitpic.com/fq7u9 - hopefully my kitty purry nails bring me luck tonight." Have we mentioned how big a fan we are of Katy Perry's cat's name?
henryholland: "http://twitpic.com/fv2w2 - Love working sundays..." And we love your Sunday twitpics!
AskMrMickey: "Mr. Mickey's got lots of she-mailing to do!!" We'd like to award the pun of the day to Mickey Boardman.
JonnyMakeup: "I love the smell of new Repettos way more than the smell of a new car...maybe thats why i drive a jaloppie!" We recommend a title for Jonny Makeup's memoirs: "The Grapes of Flats"
chrissiemiller: "I'm going to my sophomore sample sale at circa now on 6th street btw 2nd + 3rd ave. Anyone who comes gets free clothes. FREE people!!!!" Missing tweets like this over the weekend makes us consider chaining our Twitter Apps to our bodies.
cmbenz: "Just overheard "pied a terre" pronounced "peedah tay-yah"" You mean to say it's not "Pie-Ed A Turrr?"
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