We’ll be frank here — when it comes to off-kilter or out-of-the-box beauty regimens, we thought we'd seen it all, mostly thanks to the research for this puppy. But, it seems that caviar facials and aura-reading massages have nothing on this seemingly strange S.F. service. At newly opened Tata Massage in the Richmond, you can get slapped in the face (yes, slapped!) during your treatment. Despite most derms recommending being super gentle in that region, this salon takes “pain is beauty” to the next level and smacks your skin around a bit. Pay $350 to have the masseuse dance to music while hitting you (apparently, an ancient Thai massage process), in an effort to increase circulation and optimize muscles. But, really... $350? Now, that's a slap in the face!
We don’t know about you, but we thought the point of a spa day was to, you know, relax, or at least not get abused. Well, looks like there are a few paid actors San Franciscans that are pretty into the idea. Weigh in on what you think about this zany technique? Inquiring minds want to know! (SF Gate)

Photo: Via SF Gate/Russell Yip