Sophie Stone & Lauren Diliberto

Names: Sophie Stone and Lauren Diliberto
What do you do? Sophomores, Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in painting (Sophie) and film (Lauren)
Tell us about your style.
Sophie: I used to call my style "grandmother chic" but then "grandmother chic" got really popular, so I ixnayed that, and now it's kind of "used." I don't like new clothes anymore.
Lauren: Little dresses, everything mini, high-waisted belts, hip bones are important!
Sophie: You like boots. And I love oversized shirts with just tights.
What inspires you?
Sophie: RISD inspires me.
Lauren: Cindy Sherman's "69 Film Stills."
Is there a designer you really love who is not Marc Jacobs?
Sophie: I am a big Zac Posen fan, and I really love Marni.
Lauren: Marni is good, and so is Chloé.
Sophie: Prada is always a classic.
—Michael Eckhaus

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