Almost as heavily debated as the Presidential candidacy, are the thumbs up/thumbs down reviews that critics have given HBO's two-week-old series, Girls. Despite Girls' lack of Manolos, parties on the Soho House rooftop, and contemplative voice-over narrative, it's easy to see some relation between this coming-of-age-in-NYC tale and that of the Sex And The City ladies who preceded these twenty somethings. However, the lines will blur a little more if and when Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda actually decide to make a cameo in Greenpoint (home of Girls).
Lead actress/writer/director Lena Dunham says she'd welcome the on-camera appearance from HBO's original single ladies, telling E!, "this show couldn't exist without Sex and the City." While we realize that the SATC characters rarely traveled to Brooklyn are a pretty predictable cameo, especially considering some of the parallels that run between both casts (the four female characters, the leading lady who's a writer, the city), it would make for a pretty awesome on-screen moment — barring any Fairy Godmother-esque/cheesy mentor characters. While Dunham didn't spill on any definite plans, the possibility is enough to get us chattering. Let us know below if this possible cameo is a too-obvious choice, or just the kind of prefect crossover you'd make sure to record on your DVR. (E!)

Photo: Via E!