NYC, Here's Where To Enjoy Poke Right Now

Photo: Courtesy of Chikarashi.
Perhaps New Yorkers' love for poke was inevitable. Typically served atop a bed of rice, it plays off our love of sushi, burrito bowls, and fast food that still tastes good. When Sons Of Thunder started serving poke back in fall 2015, the restaurant told Hawaii magazine it almost closed its doors because no one knew what it was. Now, new poke places are opening almost every week, with new locations popping up so quickly we have to wonder if one is destined to be the next Chipotle or Shake Shack.
But we still have a lot to learn about the dish — for example, the often-added accent in many spellings of the word ("poké") was added for mainland consumers, presumably to let us know it's pronounced "poh-kay," not like the verb that means "to jab or prod." Poke is also readily available at grocery stores, often by the pound, and simply means "slice" or "chunk." The variety of poke that has really taken off in NYC is ahi tuna, though you can find other varieties, from Scottish salmon to marinated beef, if you look for it. The best way to experience poke, however, is by eating it — and thankfully, there is no shortage there. Ahead, our favorite poke spots in the city right now.

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