The T Magazine goes all Anglophilic on us, covering the "Its", the eccentrics, and, of course, Dame Viv. (T)
Yes, everyone's gonna be Lady Gaga this Halloween. If you can't beat 'em, you might as well out-DIY 'em. (Threadbanger)
Target has swooped in on the American Apparel aesthetic. Look out for suggestive photos of Midwestern moms in assless tights to come. (Hipster Runoff)
Conservative darling, Objectivist figurehead, and bad, bad writer Ayn Rand has become, to some, a style inspiration this season. (The Daily Beast)
Where The Wild Things Are
star Catherine Keener wins our hearts by rolling her terrible eyes and showing her terrible claws in a "Max" suit. (Opening Ceremony)
So it turns out Kate Moss does have a sense of humor. Not a very good one, but a sense of humor nonetheless. (Hint)
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