A Week In Buenos Aires, Argentina On A $14,000 Salary

Photographed by Rachel Cabitt.

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.
This week: a freelance writer who makes $14,000 per year and spends it on an Airbnb in Mexico and weed brownies.
Occupation: Freelancer
Industry: Online Content Writing
Age: 22
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Salary: ~$14,000
Paycheck (Once a week): ~$300, but it varies since I work freelance jobs that aren't always consistent.
Monthly Expenses
Housing: $900 rent split with my boyfriend. He pays $550; I pay $350. It's a one-bedroom and all utilities are included in the rent.
Loan Payments: I'm currently $20,000 deep in student debt, but I deferred it for a year because of my unreliable income.
Health Insurance: Health insurance is free in Argentina, so if I ever need anything I go to the public hospital and it's paid for.
Savings: I just graduated from college last year, so unfortunately I'm not in savings mode yet.
All Other Monthly Expenses
Netflix: My boyfriend and I are on his parents' plan.
Hulu: I still use my family's plan.
Spotify: $5.99 student account
Cell Phone: ~$10/month, pay-as-you-go. (Yay for cheap South American data!)
Apartment Cleaning Service: $40 a month
Transportation: ~$10/month on my metro and bus card, not including the occasional Uber

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