Natalia Vodianova will be the latest pretty face to whip up a creation for Lutz + Patmos. (Elle)
Oh awesome! Marty McFly's hat from Back to the Future II is available for purchase. 20 years ago we would have been even more stoked. (Gizmodo)
There's something fishy going on over at Uniqlo. (Elle)
Gay-rights groups are not big fans of Brüno, perhaps jealous that he got to use Eminem's face as a stool. (Gawker)
Eddie Bauer goes bankrupt and another part of Middle School is lost. (USA Today)
"I like things that are unconventional. Things get stylized so quickly. We've all gotten used to MTV; we're all so fashion aware. TV can dictate what you're supposed to look like in certain circumstances. Music is really supposed to be about freedom."—Kim Gordon (Vanity Fair)
Interview Magazine has become a "Greek tragedy" on Broadway between Prince and Houston. (FWD)