Waking up today with this infernal NYC ice storm was about as pleasant as realizing the Rachel Comeys we got for Christmas were a size too small. And if Punxsutawney Phil seriously believes spring's around the corner, just call us groundhogs. The point we're meandering towards is that we could easily be back in bed, snuggled up in, well, our snuggies (yes, we actually have them). But, today we stumbled upon the next best thing—the Wrap-a-Nap! Billed as a pillow, blindfold, and earmuff, the WAN (their abbreviation, not ours) let's you catch some zzzs during your work day....bathroom break anyone? Or, if you're stumbling home from a night out, it's also good for a "WAN-enabled face-down." Constructed of plush fleece, with a variety of colors ranging from poseidon to bear, this naptastic device retails for $14.99 here. Now when's the infomercial going to air?!

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