Let's admit it. In the San Francisco dating scene, smokin'-hot bods and mugs are much more rare than billionaire-in-the-making minds...which is either good or bad, depending on whom you're asking.
But what if we could combine those two powerful ingredients, creating some sort of super-human hotter-than-hot tech dude? Well, style site Fashion Indie has attempted to do just that, playing mix and match with the faces of some of tech's brightest stars and pasting them atop a bevy of washboard-ab-ridden male models. The results of the "12 Social Media Founders Gone Sexy" piece? Somewhat hilarious.
Of course, out of the dirty dozen featured, a bunch hail from the Bay, including Twitter's Jack Dorsey, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and the founders of majorly addictive sites Instagram and Pinterest. (The dudes behind NYC-based Tumblr and Foursquare also make an appearance).
Peep a lil' preview up top and head over here for the rest of the pics and steamy love poems dedicated to the reigning kings of social media.
Photo: Via Fashion Indie