Dree Hemingway likes, according to this interview in
, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and, according to the accompanying photographs, the taste of lead-based paint. (Fashion Copious)
Yay! Two more years of Fashion Week at Milk Studios. We saved a lot of cab fare and headaches thanks to them last season. (The Cut)
Double yay! Karolina Kurkova is a mommy! (Modelinia)
Styles come and go, but looking like a corpse is always hot. Being a corpse, however will do nothing for your social life. (Jezebel)
Etsy has become the go-to resource for hand-crafted coochies. Thank God for the Internet, right? (The Frisky)
"Never buy anything when there is a full moon. I have learnt the hard way. Never have a hair cut during the full moon either come to think of it."—Elle UK Executive Fashion Editor Stacey Duguid. (My Fashion Life)
Just so you know you're not the only ones trying to fit into a Stella for GapKids cashmere hoodie, the ladies at Grazia show you which pieces fit (and don't fit) those who aren't usually a kids size 8-10. (Grazia)
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